TAKE NOTICE that an appeal has been filed by Margaret Barrie regarding a Dangerous Dog Designation by the Municipal Law Enforcement Officer of Elliot, a Rottweiler, pursuant to Municipality of Central Elgin By-law No 0456.

AND THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Central Elgin will hold a hybrid, in person and virtual, hearing on Monday, May 8, 2023 at 6:20 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Elgin County Administration Building located at 450 Sunset Drive, Central Elgin, to consider such appeal and hear the Municipal Law Enforcement Officer, the owner of the dog, and any other person with an interest in the outcome of the matter, or by the party’s counsel, solicitor or agent, who wishes to make representation to Council respecting the designation of such dog as potentially dangerous.

AND THAT if a party does not attend the hybrid hearing then the hearing may proceed with the hearing in the party’s absence and the party shall have no right to further notice or participation in any of the proceedings. Any person with an interest in the outcome of the matter that does not attend the hearing has no right to further notice or participation in any of the proceedings. A copy of the decision of Council will be sent to the applicant and to each person who appeared in person or by counsel at the hearing and who filed with the CAO|Clerk a written request for notice of Council's decision.

DATED at the Municipality of Central Elgin this 14th day of April, 2023

Delany Leitch, Deputy Clerk

Municipality of Central Elgin

450 Sunset Drive

St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1

Telephone (519) 631-4860 Facsimile (519) 631-4036

Email deleitch@centralelgin.org

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